Uganda Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships Alumni Association (UCSFAA)
This panel discussion, led by the UCSFAA, will focus on ways in which young children are protected whilst online. The sudden rise in remote schooling over the last year has highlighted challenges in managing digital activity amongst children and staying safe online.
Panellists will discuss current trends and opportunities offered by early digital technologies and the current situation of cyber awareness and digital technology preparedness amongst children, parents and guardians, and teachers in schools of Uganda.
Alice Namuli is a Senior Lawyer and Partner at Katende and Sempebwa advocates and a 2014 Commonwealth Professional Fellow
Sam C Ayo is the Co-founder of Cyber Aware Africa and a 2018 Commonwealth Scholar
Samuel Eibu is an IT Security auditor and incident handler at Defend Defenders and a 2018 Commonwealth Shared Scholar
Denis Olanya Mike is a sign language interpreter for Light for the World International Organisation