North West

Regional Network Coordinator

Akanksha Mahajan (North West)

Akanksha Mahajan is a PhD researcher from India, currently enrolled in the University of Central Lancashire as a Commonwealth Split-Site Scholar. She has over six years of research experience in pharmaceutical sciences and drug delivery. Her development impact has been focused on fungal skin infections which is one of the most serious dermatological concernx globally with 25% of the world population being affected. She has developed anti-fungal nanovesicular systems for topical administration which have shown significant improvement in permeation and retention across deep skin layers. These nanomedicine-based formulations could provide safer and better treatment options for those suffering from cutaneous fungal infections. 

Beyond her academic pursuits, Akanksha is an avid traveller who relishes exploring new destinations worldwide. She has actively engaged in self-improvement programmes, university-related events such as academic conferences, and a range of extracurricular activities in India. Her interests span across music, fitness, photography, and sports. 


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University Representatives

If you are interested in becoming a University Representative and assisting in building a strong network of Scholars and Fellows, please contact the relevant Coordinator for your region or email to find out more.