The CSC’s Knowledge Hub webinar series was launched in July 2020 and provides a platform for members of the CSC’s Knowledge Hubs to interact and discuss key topics related to the six CSC development themes. The overall aim of the CSC webinar series is to support and foster live discussions around key international development topics amongst Scholars and alumni to promote and demonstrate expertise within the CSC community and encourage ongoing learning and professional development.

Why does gender matter in COVID-19 response?

The first Knowledge Hub webinar was held on 8 July 2020 and addressed the CSC theme, ‘Access, inclusion and opportunity’. The webinar, titled ‘Why does Gender matter in Covid-19 response?’, was presented by Monika Gupta, a 2019 Commonwealth Split-Site Scholar from India, studying for a PhD South Asian Studies at SOAS, University of London and Jawaharlal Nehru University.

Monika’s webinar highlighted the need to discuss the rise of gender related issues during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the solutions, challenges, and deliberations in light of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The webinar presentation was followed by a Q&A session. To watch the webinar recording, visit the CSC’s YouTube Channel.

If you are a Scholar or alumnus working in the field of gender rights and have thoughts on how women have been impacted during the global COVID-19 pandemic in your country, you can share these in the Knowledge Hub. You must be a member of the Knowledge Hub to access the group.

Youth: the missing peace in global security

On 30 September 2020, a webinar addressing the CSC theme, ‘Strengthening global peace, security and governance’, was held for Hub members. Commonwealth Alumnus Terri-Ann Gilbert-Roberts presented on the topic, ‘Youth: the missing peace in global security’. Terri-Ann is a 2007 Commonwealth Scholar from Jamaica and completed a PhD in Regional Governance at the University of Sheffield. In 2016, she was awarded a Commonwealth Academic Fellowship at University College London, focused on Young Power: youth participation in regional governance.

In this webinar, Terri-Ann shared information on her work on the Independent Progress Study on Youth Peace and Security, titled ‘The Missing Peace’, and stressed the importance of youth as ambassadors to strengthen global peace. During the webinar attendees were engaged via poll questions to share their knowledge and understanding of youth opportunities in governance in their home countries and took part in a Q&A session. To know more about this webinar, watch the recording on CSC’s YouTube channel.

If you are a Scholar or alumnus and work in the field of youth participation and governance, you can share your thoughts and experiences in the Knowledge Hub. You must be a member of the Knowledge Hub to access the group.

To find out more about the CSC’s Knowledge Hubs and how to attend live webinars, visit the CSC website.