Happy New Year to all Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows! At the CSC, we understand that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, last year was marked with numerous challenges to your Scholarship experience, and we have had to find new ways of connecting with each other.
Over the last several months, the CSC has developed a wide range of activities to support you to connect and bond with other Scholars in new and exciting ways, making the CSC community stronger than ever.
There are still many activities taking place and ways in which you can connect with other Scholars as part of our usual CSC engagement programme and beyond. These include connecting with Scholars in your region, attending a Friday welfare drop-in session, and sharing your interest and work on current development issues.
See the 2021 Scholarship handy guide with information all in one page about how you can meet and connect with fellow Scholars.
If you have any queries about the activities mentioned, then email engage@cscuk.org.uk and we would be glad to hear from you.