The CSC’s commitment to evaluation and monitoring and to understanding the post award experiences of its Scholars and Alumni led to the further expansion of its data gathering, with a refined survey building on the experience of the initial alumni impact survey distributed in 2008. This report examines the findings of this second evaluation survey exercise undertaken between 2012 and 2015 with almost 2,100 Alumni responding in total. Each of the scholarship programmes operated by the CSC were represented in the responses to some degree as were each of the annual cohorts from 1960 onwards, with participants residing in 84 countries, having studied over 100 academic disciplines, and having been hosted at over 300 UK institutions.
Thanks to the information provided by these Alummi the report presents a detailed analysis of both the trajectories of individual Scholars through the labour market, as well as the catalytic developmental impacts that have been generated by their activities.
This report updates and extends our paper: Trajectories and impact of UK Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Programme alumni: Interim quantitative analysis.