Row of people seated in a hall
CSC Alumni Malawi

Panel Discussion: Spatial data access, privacy, sharing, and standardisation for sustainable development in Malawi

Date: 18/07/2024

Duration: 08:00-12:00 (CAT)

Location: Blantyre

Malawi Commonwealth Alumni Association Network (MCAAN) explore the role of data in achieving sustainable development

Malawi has witnessed numerous data capture initiatives, including the collection of spatially referenced datasets, led by the government, non-profit organisations, and even individuals. Platforms like the Malawi Spatial Data Platform have been established to support these efforts. Despite some of these initiatives being funded by public resources, sharing and accessing anonymised datasets remains a significant challenge.

Consequently, Malawian science, particularly geospatial sciences, continues to struggle with foundational issues and often addresses very basic questions that add limited value to broader scientific disciplines. This on a practical side means that people duplicate what others have already done, and this is an inefficient approach to national development.

A major factor contributing to these problems is the lack of standardised procedures for data sharing, proper acknowledgement and the protection of personally identifiable information. To address these issues, the panel discussion will explore the following questions:

  1. Who are the stakeholders involved in these initiatives, and how are they connected to data, particularly spatial data?
  2. What have been their experiences in accessing the data necessary for their work? What challenges have they encountered, and how do these challenges impact national development?
  3. What solutions can address these challenges? Specifically, which national policies need to be revised or implemented?
  4. What practical steps should key players take to advance data sharing and usage?

The aims of this event are to:

  • Enhance open data sharing and standardisation of geospatial data across various sectors in Malawi.
  • Create a community of practice and improve collaborations and networking among professionals.
  • Create a shared vision on the state of geospatial technologies in Malawi and form a technical working group for Geospatial technologies for achieving Malawi vision 2063.


09:00 – 09:20   Arrival and registration

09:20 – 09:30   Welcome remarks, Professor Nancy Chitera, Vice Chancellor Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS)

09:30 – 09:40   Official remarks, Vera Ngoma, Country Director, British Council Malawi

09:40 – 10:00   Keynote speech, ‘Reflecting on the growth of the geospatial industry in Malawi and the path towards fulfilling sustainable development’

10:00 – 10:30   Break

10:30 – 11:00   Presentation on research paper

11:00 – 12:50   Panel discussion with Q&A

12:50 – 13:00   Closing remarks

13:00 – 14:00   Lunch & networking


Professor Nancy Chiteria, Vice Chancellor, Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences

Vera Ngoma, Country Director, British Council Malawi