Date: 29/07/2022
Duration: 14:00-15:00 (BST)
Machine learning, blockchain technology & sustainable development in Africa
In this webinar, Commonwealth Alumnus Faithful Onwuegbuche will highlight how machine learning and blockchain technology can be utilised in the sustainable development of Africa. Faithful will provide information on what machine learning and blockchain is, how it is currently being used, how Africa can utilise these innovative technologies for her benefit, and what the future holds for these technologies.
The webinar will focus on the ongoing 4th industrial revolution which propelled the use of technologies such as machine learning and blockchain. These technologies are seen as an opportunity for Africa to rejuvenate and leapfrog toward sustainable development. Since Africa had been left out in previous industrial revolutions, it cannot afford to be left out now.
This webinar will address the CSC development theme, Promoting global prosperity.
The webinar will last for approximately one hour, including a Q&A session.
Open to all Commonwealth Scholars and Alumni, the monthly webinars will address one of the CSC’s six development themes and provide an opportunity for attendees to engage in real-time Q&A discussion on the topic presented.
You can watch previous webinars on the CSC’s YouTube channel.
Faithful is currently pursuing a PhD in Machine Learning and Blockchain Technology at the SFI Center for Research Training in Machine Learning (ML-Labs), University College Dublin. Faithful has over five years of relevant work experience gained as a data scientist, machine learning and blockchain researcher, teacher, community developer, and leader in several projects.
He was an African Union Commission Scholar at the Pan African University, Kenya, where he completed a 2-year research MSc in Financial Mathematics and conducted innovative research that improved the value-at-risk model by incorporating sentiments from financial tweets using machine learning.
During his Commonwealth Scholarship, Faithful served as the West Scotland Regional Network Coordinator.
Faithful is a 2019 Commonwealth Shared Scholar from Nigeria. He completed an MSc in Financial Technology (FinTech) at the University of Stirling.