Welcome to the October CS3 Alumni e-newsletter. This issue brings you news of recent events, updates on alumni projects and the latest Professional Networks developments.

Send us your alumni news!

If you have a project you want to share with other alumni in the next e-newsletter (due out in April 2014), on projects that would be of interest to other alumni please email the alumni office (alumni@cscuk.org.uk). You can also email with career, award or publication news or other stories for future issues of Commonwealth Scholarships News.  You can also share your news at any time by posting to our Commonwealth Scholarships and Professional Networks groups on LinkedIn.

Update your contact details

If you want to update your email or postal contacts details, please email: alumnitrace@cscuk.org.uk (please include your full name, year of course/institution attended, to help us locate your record).

Alumni activities and services

  • Do you need to update your Online Directory entry this year? Alumni have until 15 November to send updates to the CSC  to be included in this year’s annual update of the online Directory
  • Alumni events –  reports from events in Kenya, Montserrat and Mauritius
    Forthcoming event – a regional meeting for CSC alumni in India is taking place on Saturday 9 November in Delhi. Email for more information
  • Professional Networks – all of the CSC’s eight Professional Networks are now on LinkedIn, and enable you to share your news and successes with other professionals in your sector – are you a member yet? In this issue we hear from members of the Agriculture and Science networks in our Alumni projects update section. In the April 2014 e-newsletter we will feature alumni from the Environment and Public Health networks – please get in touch or post your news on the network LinkedIn groups to be included!
  • Taylor & Francis Commonwealth Scholar Best Journal Article Prize – the deadline for entries for the 2013 prize has now closed – thank you to all those who have entered. The result of this year’s competition will be announced by the end of this year. Visit our  Taylor & Francis Commonwealth Scholar Best Journal Article Prize section where you can now view articles on the winner of the 2012 prize, Dr Kabelo Senyatso, and view the full listing of entrants for last year’s prize, together with links to their articles

Alumni projects update

I’m delighted that co-ordinators Paul Smith and Mahesh de Silva have provided introductions to our features on the Agriculture and Science Professional Networks. If you’ve got any comments or views on these articles, please get in touch or post your comments on the Agriculture or Science Professional Networks.

  • Agriculture & Rural Development Network – Paul Smith, the network co-ordinator, introduces articles from network members:
    Cassava: Adding Value for Africa – the next phase
    Governance challenges in agricultural innovation systems
    Improving food security through international co-operation
    Agricultural crop research in South Africa
  • Science & Technology Network – Mahesh de Silva, network co-ordinator, introduces items from members:
    Improving the food supply chain
    Taking the Solar Village to Asia and Africa
    Bringing science to the wider community

Has your CSC scholarship or fellowship had a similar impact on your career or community? Send your stories and photos for the next issue of Commonwealth Scholarships News, or to be included as a feature on our CSC website by emailing: alumni@cscuk.org.uk

News from the CSC

  • Tracing alumni – can you help?
  • Evaluation update – why your input is so important
  • Commonwealth      Scholarships News
    We are      keen to ensure that the magazine is interesting and engaging for readers,      and always welcome feedback and suggestions. If you would be interested in      participating in an informal (online) focus group, please email us at comments@cscuk.org.uk

Projects, career and funding opportunities

  • Expression of interest for international fellowship programme
    The Association of Commonwealth Universities and the African Academy of Sciences are inviting expressions of interest for a new fellowship scheme and institutional capacity strengthening programme focused on research in the field of climate change impact.
  • The Centre of African Studies invites applications for two Visiting Research Fellowships from candidates in all the disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The aim of the Fellowships is to enable the fellows to focus on a period of research and writing in Cambridge.
  • The world beyond 2015 – is higher education ready?
    Find out how you can help shape this new project and join the discussion