
Over 30,000 Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows have been funded by the UK government through the CSC since 1959. Upon finishing their Scholarship or Fellowship, they join a thriving global community of Commonwealth Alumni, who are working across a range of sectors and fields, effecting real change and development impact at a local, national, and international level.

Your alumni network

You are a Commonwealth Scholar for life, and we hope that you will stay involved with the CSC community as an active alumnus. Through the CSC Alumni Network, you will have the opportunity to build contacts with a diverse range of alumni in your home country and across the Commonwealth, to support your work and help you contribute to sustainable development impact goals.

Support the CSC community

Mentoring Programme

Help guide a new Commonwealth Scholar through their studies

Alumni Advisory Panel

Share your insights to support the future of the CSC


Alumni Events

Join face-to-face or virtual events across the Commonwealth

Alumni Associations

Find your local alumni association or set-up your own!

Keep in Touch

Update your contact details to stay engaged with the CSC community

Share Your Work and Impact

Common Knowledge

Feature your work in this biannual publication – or read about the work of fellow CSC Alumni and Scholars

The Common Room

Share your recent publications and news in this quarterly newsletter for the alumni community

Knowledge Hubs

Exchange ideas and network with CSC Alumni and Scholars on the CSC’s six development themes

Inspire and be inspired

Impact Stories

Discover how Commonwealth Alumni are making an impact and leading change across critical development issues

Development in
Action Series

Share the impact of your research with the community – or hear about the work of fellow Alumni

CSC Research
Impact Awards

Enter your doctoral research publication to one of two Award streams

Alumni Community Engagement Fund (ACEF)

Explore how alumni are raising awareness of key development issues at the community level

Please note that as a Commonwealth Alumnus you are expected to adhere to the standards of conduct and behaviour outlined in the CSC Code of Conduct for Alumni when taking part in all the above activities.