Alumni Advisory Panel Reports
Alumni Advisory Panel Reports archive
The CSC produces reports on all panel activities highlighting insights and feedback from participating panel members. You can read reports on all the activities undertaken by the Alumni Advisory Panel below.
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Consultation on CSC Pre-arrival and On-Boarding Communications for Scholars
Following scholarship selections, the CSC notifies applicants about arrangements for their arrival. The pre-arrival process consists of emails and documents outlining important information about visas, flight bookings, and award regulations.
This report summarises panel feedback on the pre-arrival and onboarding communications and how these could be altered to improve the arrival experience.
Consultation and content development for new event series
The CSC Alumni Team seeks to deliver an event series designed to address the challenges Scholars may face upon completing their scholarship, and showcase the experiences of alumni in overcoming and managing similar challenges.
This report summarises panel feedback on the proposed event series and content development as well as the existing resources available to support new alumni.
Consultation on Future Time Limited Programme Themes
The CSC’s Time Limited Programme (TLP) is a theme-specific programme and encompasses a range of activities under a priority area. Each year the Commission is presented with a number of options for future topics for a TLP.
This report summaries insights and suggestions on potential future themes, topical area, and activities to be delivered as a future TLP.
Review of the CSC's Application Forms for Master's and PhD Scholarships
The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission is currently reviewing the content of our application forms as part of the development of a new online application system due to launch in 2024.
This report summarises panel feedback on the revised application form questions against the core criteria used to assess applicant responses,
and the supporting guidance documents.
Review of the CSC Scholar Handbook and Fellows FAQ Onboarding Experience
Each year, the CSC provides a Handbook and FAQs for Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows to help them prepare for and adjust to living and studying in the UK.
This report summaries insights and feedback on the information shared in these resources in three key areas: usability and presentation, usefulness and relevance, and areas for development.
Consultation on Interchange23: the CSC’s global alumni conference 2021-2023
Interchange is the CSC’s online global alumni conference. It brings together Commonwealth Scholars and Alumni to take part in panel discussions, skills workshops, and networking events to meet and share expertise.
This report summarises panel feedback on the draft 2023 programme, which proposed a new model for delivery, and suggestions from panel members on ways to develop the conference offering in future.
Consultation on the CSC's Gender Project 2022
The CSC’s Gender Project aims to look at how gender impacts scholar experience and outputs throughout the entire scholar journey, from recruitment and selection through to scholars’ careers after their studies.
This report summarises insights and feedback from panel members on their experiences of the role gender plays in careers post-study and identifies trends and areas for further investigation in relation to the CSC’s work in this area.
CSC Mentoring Programme
The CSC Mentoring Programme connects Commonwealth Scholars and Alumni to support knowledge and skills development and a practical understanding of how these can be implemented post-scholarship to achieve development impact. Now in its fourth year, the CSC Alumni Team are identifying ways to develop the programme and increase its value to participants.
This report summarises panel member feedback on ways to develop and enhance the programme for future delivery.
Pre-Departure Briefing Review
Before travelling to the UK, the CSC invites Scholars to attend a Pre-Departure Briefing to introduce them to aspects of living and studying in the UK. Following several internal pieces of work, the CSC’s Policy and Programme teams sought to update the briefing to make it more relevant to the challenges Scholars are likely to face.
This report summarises the responses from participating panel members on ways to update and highlight relevant content.
Consultation on the Alumni Engagement Strategy 2022-2025
Building on the draft Alumni Engagement Strategy 2022-2025 reviewed by the Alumni Advisory Panel 2019-2021, a revised draft was shared with the 2021-2023 panel for consultation.
This report summarises panel member feedback on ways to further focus and refine the strategy and proposed activity delivery.
CSC ‘Apply’ Section Website review
Following the launch of the redeveloped website, panel members were invited to review the ‘Apply’ section of the website.
Read panel member feedback on the accessibility of the ‘Apply’ section, including the user experience and presentation of content.
Evaluation of the Alumni Engagement Strategy
A new three-year Alumni Engagement Strategy is required to guide alumni engagement activities for the period 2022-2025. Following an internal review of the existing strategy, a new draft strategy was developed.
This report summarises panel member insights on the proposed engagement activities and potential new opportunities.
Promoting research outputs and impact within the CSC’s doctoral community
The annual doctoral Taylor & Francis Commonwealth Scholar Best Journal Article Prize (BJAP) was reviewed in 2020 to identify ways to broaden this activity and promote the value of CSC funded research to international development.
This report summaries feedback from panel members on the proposed changes and ways to support Scholars and alumni in achieving and communicating research impact.
CSC Website Review
In September 2020, the CSC’s website was redeveloped to communicate more effectively the impact of Commonwealth Scholarships and improve functionality and navigation.
Read panel member responses on the functionality and accessibility of the website, user experience, and further recommendations.
Return Experiences Review
The CSC has investigated the experiences of recently returned alumni to identify the challenges faced in the months immediately following their Commonwealth Scholarship.
Find out more about panel member experiences immediately post-Scholarship or Fellowship and how they addressed or overcame challenges.
Diary Studies Project Review
The CSC Evaluation Team introduced a Diary Studies project in 2019 to test the feasibility of using diary studies to collect data to monitor and evaluate the impact of Commonwealth Scholarships.
This report summarises panel member responses on the design, methodology, and implementation of the project.
Distance Learning Review Scoping Activity
Part of the ongoing work of the CSC Evaluation Team is to conduct in-depth assessments of the CSC’s different scholarship and fellowship programmes.
Read insights from panel members on their distance learning experiences as both learners and educators.
Understanding Development Impact
The online development module (ODM), ‘Understanding Development Impact’ has been developed by the CSC as an introduction for all new Scholars to international development.
This report summarises panel member responses on the effectiveness of the ODM in meeting its core objectives and preparing Scholars for development impact.