On 30 July, three alumni associations in West Africa collaborated to deliver an information session on Commonwealth Scholarships to prospective applicants.

Commonwealth Alumni representing the Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows Alumni Association Nigeria (COSFAN), Commonwealth Alumni Association Sierra Leone (CAASL) and Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows Alumni Association Ghana (CoSFAG) gathered to deliver the online workshop for prospective applicants from Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Ghana.

The session brought together 362 prospective applicants and was comprised of a panel discussion.

Meet the panel

  • Dr Julie Acholonu, Deputy Director, Commonwealth Division, Federal Scholarship Board, Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria
  • Dr Ekundayo Samuel, President, Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows Alumni Association Nigeria (COSFAN) (2017 Split-site Scholar from Nigeria)
  • Alhaji Abu Komeh, President, Commonwealth Alumni Association Sierra Leone (CAASL) (2011 Scholar from Sierra Leone)
  • Dr John Boulard-Forkuor, President, Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows Alumni Association Ghana (CoSFAG) (2010 Shared Scholar from Ghana)
  • Professor Gloria Ukalina Obuzor, retired, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria (1991 Scholar from Nigeria)

The panel discussed a range of topics, including how Commonwealth Scholarships are promoted and advertised in their respective countries, eligibility, the importance of development impact and writing a strong development impact statement, emphasis on returning home post-scholarship to support national development agendas, and the lifelong impact of a Commonwealth Scholarship.

Panel members shared their personal stories and experiences as scholars and then as alumni and provided an overview of the benefits of Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships. Throughout the discussion, participants shared questions which were answered during a lively Q&A session.

At the close of the event, participants requested further details on Commonwealth Scholarships and ways to connect with their country’s alumni association to seek further support and guidance on submitting a strong application.