Professor Tim Unwin with alumni in Port of Spain

Professor Tim Unwin with alumni in Port of Spain

Four events have taken place for alumni in three cities in Australia and in Port of Spain, Trinidad recently.

Dr John Kirkland, Executive Secretary of the CSC and Deputy Secretary General of the ACU, combined a conference in Australia with alumni events in Canberra, Melbourne, and Sydney from 13-15 September. Future events are also planned in late October, ahead of the CHOGM in Perth. As well as exploring the role and scope for an alumni chapter in Australia, discussions focussed on wider networking opportunities for CSC alumni in the future. A full update on the outcome of discussions will be sent to alumni in Australia in the near future, in order to take ideas forward.

Professor Tim Unwin, Chair of the Commission, was able to meet with alumni in Trinidad on 17 September, during his stay in Port of Spain. Discussions also examined how the CSC and local alumni can work together to enable greater networking opportunities for alumni.