Latest Alumni Feature online now

The latest Alumni Feature on our website is Focus on Nigerian Alumni, looking at research and career projects covering areas as diverse as agriculture, textile design, bio-energy and community conflict resolution.

Moji giving literacy classes to herdsmen

Moji giving literacy classes to herdsmen

  • Dr Nicholas Ozor, who held a split-site scholarship at the University of Reading, 2005 – 2006, is currently Project Co-ordinator on a number of projects that look at innovation in agriculture and the relation between agriculture and climate change.
  • Dr Moji Olateju held a Commonwealth Fellowship at the University of Birmingham in 2006. She spent her award working on discourse analysis, researching the multimodal features of political billboards and other social contexts in Nigeria. She has recently been working with nomadic herdsmen on their communication and literacy skills, which has also facilitated improved community relationships.

The feature is introduced by alumnus Professor Michael Omolewa, a former Dean, Faculty of Education and Ambassador to UNESCO. View the full feature

Next Alumni Feature – send in your news items

The next Alumni Feature will echo the theme of Commonwealth Day and mark the impact of our CSC female alumni in their home countries. If you have a news story about how you are making a difference in your local community, either professionally or through voluntary activities, please get in touch. News stories should be 200 words in length and we also welcome accompanying photos. Email: by 30 June 2011.