Rajneesh Kumar
Rajneesh Kumar joined the Mentoring Programme in 2020-2021 as a Mentee. Rajneesh was studying for an MSc in Oceanography at the time and wanted to be paired with a Mentor working in science and technology for development and with a focus on climate change and resilience.
Rajneesh was paired with a Mentor from his home country, India. Through the pairing, Rajneesh was able to draw from his Mentor’s expertise on solar technology and climate change and understand the development impact potential of his study.
Achieving my mentoring goals
From the moment of our birth till the end of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not, we all have mentors in our lives. As a Mentee on the CSC Mentoring Programme, my overall mentoring experience was very good because my Mentor helped me a lot. He assisted me in defining and achieving my study, my development impact goals, and career goals during my studies in the UK.
Recognising shared research interests and goals
Participating in the CSC Mentoring Programme helped me a lot to improve my knowledge, skills, and career perspective. I am thankful to the CSC for pairing me with a Mentor whose research interests were related to my studies and who is also from my home-country. This helped me a lot by developing my understanding of how the skills gained during my Commonwealth Scholarship can be implemented to support development impact in my home country, using the experiences and knowledge of my Mentor.
Rajneesh Kumar is a 2020 Commonwealth Shared Scholar from India. He completed his MSc in Oceanography from the University of Southampton.