Dr W Dean Sutcliffe (Commonwealth Scholar, PhD Music, University of Cambridge, 1984) has been awarded The Dent Medal by the Royal Musical Association.
The medal is presented annually to recipients selected for their outstanding contribution to musicology, selected from a list of candidates drawn up by the Council of the Association and the Directorium of the International Musicological Society.
Dr Sutcliffe, who is Associate Professor of Music at the University of Auckland, was awarded the medal for:
producing a remarkably impressive body of published work, including monographs, critical editions, edited volumes, and journal articles, distinguished by an acute analytical insight and elegance of expression that are models of their kind
Dr Sutcliffe also won praised for his monograph on Scarlatti’s keyboard sonatas (2004) and has made a leading contribution to the development of eighteenth-century studies as founding editor of the journal Eighteenth-Century Music.