CSC Alumni Tanzania A welcome home reception and workshop for recently returned Commonwealth Scholars in Tanzania was held on the 29 February 2020 by the British Council Tanzania. The event provided an opportunity for Scholars to reconnect with their peers, network...
Alumni Team
Commonwealth Day: Delivering a common future
On 9 March – Commonwealth Day – 17 Commonwealth Scholars along with Chevening Scholars and an ACU Blue Charter Fellow from 11 Commonwealth countries in total met the Patron of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, The Duchess of Sussex, at Buckingham Palace,...
Championing women’s voices on Wikipedia
International Women’s Day is held every year on 8 March. As part of this day we want to highlight an event which was organised by Commonwealth Rutherford Fellow Namrata Ganneri with the University of York to help raise the profile of women scientists. Keep reading to...
Welcome Home Reception for Returning Commonwealth Scholars
CSC Alumni Pakistan A Welcome Home Reception for recently returned Commonwealth Scholars and alumni was held on 27 January at the Marriott Hotel Islamabad. The event hosted a panel discussion on ‘The UK Education Journey, Prospects of 21st Century Employment and...
2019 BJAP winner Fred Ikanda reflects on his presentation at the 3rd Biennial Conference, African and Africana Knowledges
Written by Dr Fred Nyongesa Ikanda (2010 Scholar from Kenya, PhD Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge). Fred was the alumni winner of the 60th Anniversary (2019) Taylor & Francis Commonwealth Scholar Best Journal Article Prize. He was awarded a conference...
Launch of the Dominica Alumni Association and Girls In Science Competition
CSC Alumni Dominica The Commonwealth of Dominica Commonwealth Scholars Alumni Association (CDCSAA) was launched on 22 January 2020 at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium Conference Room in Roseau, Dominica. The launch ceremony was attended by Commonwealth Alumni, teachers...
The Future is Accessible: Access and Empowerment for People of All Abilities
CSC Alumni in Ghana This article is to revisit a panel discussion on access and empowerment held to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which takes place annually on 3 December. The discussion was held on 5 December 2019 at the British Council in...
Summary of the findings of the Diary Study Trial
Read the summary of the findings of the Diary Study Trial here: Diary Study Trial Findings Summary
Disability Law in the Hands of All
The Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows Alumni Association Nigeria (COSFAN) COSFAN held an end of year workshop and investiture of patrons event on 3 December 2019 at the British Council Hall, Lagos. The end of year workshop, titled ‘Disability Law in the Hands of All’,...
World Mental Health Day: raising mental health awareness in Uganda
CSC Alumni Uganda This article is to revisit a panel discussion held on World Mental Health Day, 10 October 2019 in Kampala. Mental health is the level of psychological wellbeing which includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we...