Commonwealth Scholar Boghuma Titanji, carrying the flag of her home country Cameroon at the 2012 Commonwealth Day Observance
Dr Boghuma Titanji (2009 Commonwealth Scholar from Cameroon, MSc Tropical Medicine and International Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) has now returned to the UK on a Commonwealth Scholarship to study for a PhD in HIV Drug Resistance at University College, London.
Since starting her doctoral studies, Boghuma has set up the Global Health Speaker Series’, which takes place each month at Goodenough College, London. Boghuma wanted to provide a forum for tackling global health issues and looking at aspects around which there might be misconceptions.
‘I decided to start the Global Health speaker series as a way of promoting dialogue on important global health topics which I realise a lot of people are ignorant about. Living and studying in London seemed like the perfect place and time to take advantage of the wealth of expertise in global health available from the many leading institutions in London.’
Tee series of talks has been running since November 2012 and so far topics addressed have included; HIV transmission dynamics; universal access to health care; obesity and climate change and causes of childhood blindness in developing countries .Boghuma has valued the opportunity to meet experts from these fields at each of the talks. ‘The series has allowed me to meet and exchange ideas with world leaders in these fields and the talks have also served as a forum for raising awareness and promoting dialogue on global health issues affecting us all.’
The ‘Global Health Speakers Series’ reflects Boghuma’s own desire to tackle health issues in the developing world. A clinical doctor by background, Boghuma found her MSc in Tropical Medicine and International Health at the London School of Hygiene and tropical Medicine provided a sound foundation in critical thinking and research methodology. ‘The Masters programme also served as a crucial link to my PhD because it was during the course that I met my now PhD supervisor and wrote a research proposal for the project I am currently working on.’
After completing her PhD, Boghuma will have a combination of research skills and clinical experience from her medical training. She wants to build on this expertise, combining clinical research and academia whilst continuing with some clinical practice. ‘Personally I feel that the MSc/PhD qualifications provide we with a unique flexibility to combine research with clinical practice for development within Africa, which is my long term goal.’