On 6 December, the Commonwealth Alumni Association of Zambia (CAAZ) delivered an event exploring access, inclusion and opportunity. Titled, ‘Measuring the dimensions of the window of opportunity’, the event sought to address key aspects related to access, inclusion and opportunity, with a focus on the application of this in the context of education, entrepreneurship, workplace practices, and community participation.

The event comprised a panel discussion and was open to Commonwealth and Chevening Alumni and representatives from the Higher Education, Loans and Scholarships Board of Zambia (HELSB), the national nominating agency for Commonwealth Scholarships.

Meet the panel

  • Dr Kaunda Yamba, Medical Doctor and Clinical Microbiologist (2014 Scholar; 2017 Split-site Scholar)
  • Dr Nchimunya Muleya, Lecturer, The University of Zambia (2016 Scholar)
  • Shilton Mavule, Monitoring and Evaluation Remote Consultant (2023 Distance Learning Scholar)
  • Professor Wilma S Nchito, Associate Professor and Senior Researcher, Centre for Urban Research and Planning, University of Zambia (2009 Distance Learning Scholar)
  • Dr Young Kafwembe, Lecturer, The Copperbelt University (2019 Scholar)
  • Kasikwa M Gondwe, – Manager for Strategy and Partnerships, Higher Education, Loans and Scholarships Board

Panellists introduced their work and shared insights on a range of topics related to the theme, drawing close attention to issues related to gender equality, the inclusion of marginalised groups and inequality in opportunities.

Highlights of the discussion included the significant barriers still faced by women in accessing scholarship opportunities and the need to provide more and sustained support; the provision of support for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) in accessing educational and scholarship opportunities; and the inclusion of marginalised groups and those from disadvantaged areas groups in development projects.

In their conclusions, panellists advocated for systemic reforms to promote equity and inclusion in education and the introduction of policies that prioritise underrepresented communities and address socioeconomic disparities through inclusive practices.

The event ended with an engaging Q&A which sparked further meaningful dialogue on the topic. Thanks were given by CAAZ representatives Martha Mwiinga, General Secretary (2019 Scholar) and Felix Kusaloka, Vice President (2021 Shared Scholar).