David Makumi-Kinyanjui (2007 Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholar, MSc Palliative Care, University of Dundee) has been awarded the 2011 Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) International Award for Contributions to Cancer Care.

David is the first African recipient of the ONS’s international award. He is currently the manager of the cancer programme at the Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.

The award recognises his contribution ‘in drawing the attention of [his home] country to the cancer crisis and his leadership in empowering nurses and ordinary Kenyans with knowledge and skills to respond to the growing cancer problem’. David said:

I trust this award will help push cancer to the top of the healthcare agenda in Kenya and in the rest of Africa.

David will be honoured for the award at ONS’s 36th Annual Congress, to be held from 28 April-1 May in Boston, USA.