Shaheen Begum (2008 Commonwealth Scholar from Pakistan, PhD in Environment, University of York) recently presented part of her PhD research at the International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers (organised by BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna in April 2011 in Vienna). More than 550 abstracts had been submitted to the conference, with only 250 being accepted for verbal presentation. The conference drew an international, audience, with 400 participants from 73 different countries.
Shaheen contributed a talk to the session dealing with river ecology, and her presentation was based on her work on the River Derwent in North Yorkshire, UK. This work is being extended to include data on sediments gathered in Pakistan.
The Vienna Declaration on the status and future of the world’s large rivers was discussed during the conference and in principle adopted by the participants in a Discussion Forum. Shaheen is grateful for the chance her scholarship has given her to attend the conference. ‘I am thankful to my supervisors and the Head of the Environment Department at the University of York, for technical and financial support to participate in the above conference.’