Row of people seated in a hall
CSC Alumni Ghana

Panel Discussion on Strengthening Gender Equality in STEM in Higher Education in Ghana

Date: 14/02/2024

Duration: 17:00-19:00 (GMT)

Location: Hybrid (Accra)

Strengthening the gender equality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in higher education in Ghana

In this panel discussion, Commonwealth Alumni will address the current gender imbalance of STEM enrolment in higher education in Ghana. They will highlight the challenges and propose strategies to address these. 

Objectives of the panel discussion are to:

  • To address the challenges of low female representation in STEM courses
  • Identify strategies to improve female enrolment in physical sciences

This event has been organised by from the British Council Nigeria on behalf of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC).

Information will be shared with registered attendees.

To be confirmed