Date: 01/12/2023
Duration: 10:00-13:00 (EAT)
Location: Hybrid (Nairobi)
Exploring the impact, use and effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the socio-economic agenda
Members of the Commonwealth Scholarships Alumni Association of Kenya (CSAAK), are proud to host a panel discussion on, ‘Leveraging Technology and Innovation in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Impact, use and effects of AI on the socio-economic development agenda’ as part of Kenya Innovation Week 2023 (KIW).
KIW offers a unique opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and best practices for building innovative ecosystems that create shared value. In 2023, KIW will host the Commonwealth Edition, themed ‘Innovating to Unlock Our Common Wealth’ and will focus on leveraging innovation to advance wealth creation for societal well-being.
The CSAAK panel dicsussion will discuss today’s technological advances, how they have been developed, and how they can be applied and leveraged for socio-economic growth. The panel speakers are drawn from a range of fields in the socio-economic spectrum including AI, health, business, education, law, agriculture, and technology, and from across the CSC’s global alumni community.
The event is open to conference delegates and all Commonwealth Alumni to join virtually. All Commonwealth Alumni will receive the details to register for this event via email.
This event has been organised by the Commonwealth Scholarships Alumni Association of Kenya (CSAAK).
To be confirmed with registered attendees.
To be confirmed with registered attendees.