Date: 29/11/2021 – 01/12/2021
Duration: TBC
Location: Ilorin
Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows Alumni Association Nigeria (COSFAN)
Between 29 November – 1 December, COSFAN will hold a 3-day workshop in Ilorin, Kwara State Nigeria, designed to support the general training of 100 lawyers on family court procedure and 15 judiciary staff on family court and child justice administration.
The goal of the workshop is to support the continuing legal education of lawyers and judiciary staff with a view to building a strong family court and legal system within the Kwara State Judiciary. The workshop will contribute towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 16 in building peace, justice and strong institutions.
On the evening of the 29 November, the association will also hold an Annual General Meeting.
Expected outcomes of the workshop
- Participants are able to demonstrate increased knowledge of Child Rights Act/Law, Family Court and Child Justice administration
- The trained magistrates will share valuable institutional knowledge, experiences, and skills to the current and incoming magistrates of the Family Court
- Participants are able to demonstrate how the Family Court should run and their role in facilitating access to justice
- Participants and trainers will collaborate to design a working draft of the processes of administering the Family Court and how to foster improved engagement with its stakeholders
- COSFAN members will have contributed to improved access to justice for women and children
If you are a Commonwealth Alumnus from Nigeria and would like to attend this event, please contact Roseline Obadiuno at Roseline.Obadiuno@ng.britishcouncil.org
This event has been organised by COSFAN and is supported by the British Council in Nigeria.
To be confirmed.
Dr Biola Adimula (COSFAN President)- Lead Training Facilitator
Dr. Catherine Adegoke- Technical Coordinator
Other Facilitators
Hon. Justice Sherifat Olanipekun
Hon. Mag. Bosede Adeyemo, Rtd
Mrs Helen Ofoegbu
Dr Azizat Amoloye-Adebayo
Dr Oluwatosin Igbayiloye
Mr Samuel Oyegunle