Date: 17/11/2020
Duration: 11:00-12:30
Location: Online
COVID-19: where are the silver linings?
Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows Alumni Association Nigeria (COSFAN) are holding an end of year webinar on the topic ‘COVID-19: where are the silver linings?’. During the event, members will discuss the effects of COVID-19 on education, health, and the economy of persons and nations.
The event aims to raise awareness on the change in the mode of operation in a post-COVID-19 era, and will focus on the challenges and opportunities created by the pandemic.
The event will support one of the aims of the alumni association in delivering opportunities for continuous learning. The event will help the association explore the impact of the pandemic on Scholars and Fellows across different fields and identify ways alumni can collectively make an impact in community development and nation building.
The Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships Alumni Nigeria (COSFAN) organise an annual end of year event to connect with members of the alumni association wider Commonwealth Alumni based in Nigeria and discuss key national and global development challenges.
Speakers have been selected from within COSFAN and will provide information on the impact of the pandemic across different sectors.
Speakers and panelists are:
Emeritus Prof. Olugbemiro Jegede, 1979 Commonwealth Scholar from Nigeria, PhD Education, Cardiff University
Keynote speaker; Chairman, Board of Trustees of COSFAN
Prof. Urua Eno Abasi, 1993 Commonwealth Academic Fellow, Linguistics, University of Edinburgh
Prof. Feyi Adepoju, 2007 Commonwealth Scholar from Nigeria, MSc Community Eye Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Mr. Aminu Ado, 2005 Commonwealth Scholar from Nigeria, MSc Financial Management, Robert Gordon University