CSC Alumni NigeriaWorkshop on Inclusion and Digital Accessibility of Persons with Disabilities
Date: 02/12/2021
Duration: 16:00-18:30
Location: Abuja
International Day of Persons Living with Disability
This event will mark International Day of Persons Living with Disability, which takes place on 3 December. The event will explore digital accessibility for persons with disability in a post-COVID-19 world and further actions needed to achieve inclusion.
The format of the event is a moderated panel discussion on the impact of digital exclusion on persons with disability and possible solutions.
If you are a Commonwealth Alumnus from Nigeria and would like to attend this event, please contact Roseline Obadiuno at Roseline.Obadiuno@ng.britishcouncil.org
This event has been organised by the British Council in Nigeria.
To be confirmed.
To be confirmed.