Date: 26/11/2021
Duration: 16:00-21:00
Location: Freetown
Welcome home recently returned Commonwealth Scholars from Sierra Leone!
This event will provide an opportunity to welcome home recently returned Commonwealth Scholars from Sierra Leone following their studies in the UK and introduce them to the local alumni network.
The aim of this event are to provide returning Scholars with access to information, mentoring, and networking opportunities essential to achieving their developmental objectives on returning home.
If you are a recently returned Commonwealth Scholar from Sierra Leone and would like to attend this event, please contact Michael Marah at Michael.Marah@sl.britishcouncil.org
This event has been organised by the British Council in Sierra Leone.
To be confirmed.
Kelly Ferguson is the British Council Country Director for Sierra Leone. She is an experienced manager and strategic leader with a proven track record of successfully leading departments and programmes across a variety of sectors and within complex environments across the Middle East, Africa, and the UK. She has worked for the British Council for 17 years including senior positions overseas in Sierra Leone, Iraq, Ghana, and Egypt.
Sonnia-Magba Bu-Buakei Jabbi is the Director of Demographic, Health and Social Statistics Division at Statistics Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone’s National Statistics Office [NSO]) with over ten years’ experience in managing the design and implementation of Statistical Surveys and Censuses. He also lectures Research and Statistical Methods for postgraduate students at the University of Sierra Leone on a part-time basis. He consults on a regular basis for the United Nations, the African Development Bank, and the World Bank on issues relating to statistical research. He is a 2003 Commonwealth Shared Scholar. He completed an MSc in Management Science from De Montfort University in 2003 as a Commonwealth Shared Scholar. He is the coordinator of the Commonwealth Alumni Association Sierra Leone (CAASL).
FCDO Representative: to be confirmed
Ministry of Higher Education Rep: to be confirmed
Returning Scholar Rep: to be confirmed