Date: 27/02/2021
Duration: 10:00-13:00
Location: Online
Access to international scholarship opportunities in South Africa.
In March 2019, on behalf of the CSC, the British Council hosted a round-table discussion on access to international scholarship opportunities for South African students, with a focus on previously marginalised groups.
The advocacy workshop to be held on 27 February 2021 is a follow-up event to the 2019 round-table, and will provide a platform for alumni to engage with the nominating agency for Commonwealth Scholarships in South Africa, the Department of Higher Education and Training-DHET. The workshop will end with a call for alumni to volunteer to promote and raise awareness of Commonwealth Scholarships and guide students who are interested in applying. Alumni will also discuss the role they could play in engaging decision makers in future.
This workshop will be the first in a series. It is hoped that the workshop will build the capacity of alumni to work together to promote Commonwealth Scholarships in South Africa and use this as a shared objective and catalyst for building a stronger in-country alumni network.