Date: 23/02/2021
Duration: 10:00-13:00
Location: Online
Welcome home to all recently returned Commonwealth Scholars.
On 23 February, the British Council, South Africa, will host a ‘Reintegration Workshop’ on behalf of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC).
The workshop aims to formally welcome home recently returned Scholars to South Africa and provide a platform to reflect on their UK study experience. The workshop will focus on unpacking the role of recently returned alumni as ’agents of change’, leading to the development of preliminary plans of action which can contribute to the future development of South Africa. Career development and re-adjustment to living in South Africa will also be explored.
If you are a recently returned Commonwealth Scholar living in South Africa and would like to attend this event, please email Missey Marowa, at Missey.Marowa@britishcouncil.org.za