Date: 29/08/2023
Join the information session for prospective Mentors
The CSC Mentoring Programme aims to pair new Commonwealth Scholars with alumni working in a related field to their studies to provide advice and guidance on how they can gain the necessary skills and knowledge to support their development impact goals through their Commonwealth Scholarship.
Applications for alumni to apply be a Mentor to a new Commonwealth Scholars will open in early September. In advance of this, the CSC Alumni Team will be hosting a pre-application information session on Tuesday 29 August 2023 to share further information on the programme, the key responsibilities and expectations of a Mentor, benefits to taking part, and general guidance on applying to the programme.
Open to all Commonwealth Alumni, this information session will provide the opportunity to learn about the experiences of current and previous Mentors who have participated in the programme.
The session will include a short PowerPoint presentation, followed by open discussions between attendees and a Q&A session.
The information session is exclusive to Commonwealth Alumni only.
For more information on the CSC’s Mentoring Programme, visit the CSC website.