HMG Scholarships Alumni Climate Change Hackathon

Adaptation Goal Presentation Event

Date: 20/10/2021

Duration: 15:00-17:00 (BST)

Location: Online

Join climate change hackathon teams as they present their innovative policy solutions to our panel of expert judges!

On 20 October, 14 hackathon teams will present the innovative policy solutions developed during the hackathon to a panel of expert judges. Two members from each team will deliver a 5-minute presentation on their policy proposal and take 1-2 questions from the panel and audience members. Following the presentation event, judges will select a winning team for the Adaptation Goal who will go on to present at a grand final event alongside 3 other teams, representing all four COP26 Goals.

This is an exciting opportunity for Scholars and alumni across the three HMG scholarship programmes to hear first-hand the policy proposals developed by teams and learn more about the important ways HMG scholarship alumni can work together to propose policies to address the most prevalent and pressing issues of our time. Joining the event will be invited guests, nominated by each of the teams, with a background and interest in with interest in climate policy.

You can read more about the teams and the hackathon on the CSC website.

All Commonwealth Scholars and Alumni will have received details on how to register to attend this and all other hackathon presentation events. If you are a Commonwealth Scholar or Alumnus and have not received details, email