Join a special discussion event on gender, sexuality, and peacebuilding with Dr Awino Okech.
Gender and sexual rights can often be marginalised and overlooked in discussions around change. Yet, we know that gender and sexual rights are fundamental to achieving sustainable development and ensuring fairer, more equal societies for all. So, how can we put gender and sexual rights at the forefront of development?
To explore these issues, we are delighted to welcome Dr Awino Okech, Associate Professor in Gender Studies at SOAS, University of London, who will be in conversation with Annabel Boud, CSC Programme Manager (Policy), to examine the challenges that come with bringing about inclusive change.
We will hear Dr Okech’s perspectives on gender, sexuality, and peacebuilding from her extensive research in this area and offer you the chance to ask questions. It’s set to be a fantastic conversation that’s not to be missed!
This event is hosted in partnership with the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) as part of their ‘In conversation’ series of dialogues with leading figures in equality, diversity and inclusion. This joint event is open ACU staff and current Commonwealth Scholars.
Dr Awino Okech is Associate Professor in Gender Studies at SOAS, University of London and has been involved in social justice transformation work across various sub-regions in Africa for over a decade, supporting women’s rights organisations and local movements in building local capacities for peace.
Her teaching and research interests lie in the nexus between gender, sexuality, security, and nation/state making projects as they occur in conflict and post-conflict societies.
Dr Okech has also taught at the African Leadership Centre, based at King’s College London, and is a member of the editorial advisory board of Feminist Africa.
Dr Okech’s publications include:
- ‘Women and security governance in Africa’ (2011) co-edited with ‘Funmi Olonisakin
- ‘Dealing with asymmetrical conflict: Lessons from Kenya’ (1/2015) in Special Issue of Strategic Review of Southern Africa
- ‘Gendered security: Between ethno-nationalism and constitution-making in Kenya’ (2013), co-edited with ‘Funmi Olonisakin and Cherly Hendricks, in the Africa Peace and Conflict Journal, UPEACE
- ‘Niger and counter-insurgency in the Sahel: Critical actor or crisis state’ (forthcoming)
- ‘Theatre for peace: Reflections on Amani peoples theatre model’ with Michael Owiso (forthcoming)