Knowledge Hub webinar

Volcano monitoring in the Eastern Caribbean: A chronicle of collaboration and resilience

Date: 26/08/2021

Duration:15:00-16:00 (BST)

Location: Online

Strengthening resilience and response to crises

In this webinar, Commonwealth Alumnus Michal Camejo-Harry will discuss her academic journey into the field of volcanology and personal experience working on Caribbean volcanoes, including the most recently erupted volcano in the region.

Michal’s presentation will explore the collaborative strategies employed in the region for reducing volcanic risk and responding to volcanic crises.

The webinar will last for approximately 1 hour, including a Q&A session.

The CSC’s Knowledge Hub webinar series is now open to all Commonwealth Scholars and Alumni. Through the series, Commonwealth Scholars and Alumni will discuss their work and contribution to development across a range of contemporary global challenges, and provide insight into ongoing research and action.

You can watch previous webinars on the CSC’s YouTube channel.

Michal Camejo-Harry is a passionate volcanologist, specialising in volcano deformation and igneous petrology. She is currently based at The University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre where she is part of the scientific team responsible for monitoring volcanoes in the English-speaking islands of the eastern Caribbean.

Michal is a 2016 Commonwealth Split-site Scholar from Trinidad and Tobago. She completed her PhD in Applied Geology at the University of Bristol and University of West Indies.