Get answers to your scholarship questions at our Programme Officer information session!
Join our virtual Programme Officer information session to get help and advice on a range of queries to do with your scholarship. The sessions are hosted by our Programme Officers and are designed as an additional level of support to answer as many queries as possible within the hour. The session will be divided into 10 minute segments related to finance, travel, welfare, award tenure, and any other business.
During the session, Scholars will be invited to type their questions into the chat box for a CSC Programme Officer and supporting staff to answer. The drop-in sessions are open to all new and continuing Scholars, at any stage of their studies and at any institution.
Please review the Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows, the Coronavirus FAQs and the Pre-award FAQS (for 2021 Scholars) before raising a query at the information session, in case your query can be answered through the guidance provided.
The sessions are hosted by CSC staff from the Programme Team. Please note that your Programme Officer may not be in attendance at this session, so if you have a specific question about your situation, please get in touch directly with your Programme Officer by email.