Bees for Development

Fellowship Summary 

Beekeeping is an income-generating activity widely practised in developing commonwealth countries in Africa. Bees are less expensive than other forms of livestock, they do not need daily care and feeding and yet the market for good quality honey and beeswax is thriving.  

In Ghana cashew-farmers who keep bees produce twice as many cashew nuts than famers without bees, due to the pollination the bees provide. Elsewhere beekeeping in forests provides an economic incentive for conservation and tree-planting. 

The Fellowship will provide exposure, new knowledge and enhanced capacity to mid-career professionals who are dedicated to supporting this otherwise marginalised sector.   

On returning to their home countries the Fellows will go back to their roles as development workers and project coordinators, working for organisations who serve beekeepers nationwide and in addition to delivering services directly (knowledge, information, scientific advances) they will also catalyse like-minded organisations to support the sector. 

Weblink for Candidates  


Our programme focuses on fellows who are currently actively working in the beekeeping development sector. We welcome applications from early-career and mid-career professionals interested to develop skills in beekeeping training, beekeeping and honey market development, education and development of training resources. We are looking for talented and enthusiastic people working directly with grassroots communities and wish to develop their skills in engaging with communities, designing and fundraising for beekeeping projects, supporting people to access markets for honey and beeswax and communicating the importance of apiculture development for poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation. 

 We are particularly keen to welcome fellows from Ghana, Uganda or Malawi.  

Proposed Fellowship Dates 

3/3/2025 to 17/4/2025 

Proposed Activity 

Week 1: 

BfD Office Monmouth 

Induction to Bees for Development work programmes, team, processes and systems.  Deep immersion in Bees for Development Nature-based Beekeeping (N-bB) approach and its links to sustainable livelihoods. 

Introduction to and familiarization with our Resource Centre; agree deliverables and workplan for Nature-based Beekeeping (N-bB) advocacy and education campaign.  

Week 2: 

BfD Office Monmouth 

Review of N-bB materials in Resource Centre to identify information gaps and undertake stakeholder analysis to expand reach and impact of N-bB campaign. 

Week 3: 

Tropical Products Ltd (Wainwrights Honey) – Talybont Aberystwyth 

Visit to commercial bee farmer and honey processing facility; learn about commercial links between UK business and beekeepers in Africa and how N-bB fits with international supply chains.  

BfD Office Monmouth 

Working with BfD communications team, develop understanding about the use of social media for communicating work, enhancing networking and for fundraising. 

Harper Adams University – Telford

Attend the BBKA Spring convention and assist with managing our stand and interacting with the British beekeeping community as well as attending lectures and seminars. 

Week 4 

Hive Mind and Honeybee Beautiful – Monmouthshire 

Visit to a local beekeeping, honey mead and honey cosmetic businesses to learn about how to diversify within the honey industry and tap into emerging and novel market opportunities.  

BfD Office Monmouth 

Create beekeeping content for Resource Centre, identifying gaps and writing new materials with focus on gender inclusion & beekeeping for persons with disabilities. 

E.H. Thorne Beekeeping supplies. – Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. 

Visit to E.H. Thorne Beekeeping supplies to learn about beekeeping equipment and wax processing. 

Week 5


Visit Hub Cymru Africa to learn more about Wales’s commitment to international development in Africa and join a comprehensive session on safeguarding. 

BfD Office Monmouth 

Learn about approaches to measuring impact of beekeeping development projects and work with BfD team to enrich our Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Strategy. 

National Botanic Gardens Wales, Carmarthen 

Study tour to further develop understanding of the role bees play in pollination. 

Week 6

BfD Office Monmouth 

Working with BfD team, develop a training curriculum for N-bB suitable for college students in Africa. 

Priority Theme 

Promoting Global Prosperity