The CSC’s Alumni Advisory Panel provides a platform for Commonwealth Alumni to support the future of the programme and its Scholars by sharing personal insight and expertise to contribute to the development of CSC activities.
In September 2021, the CSC appointed its second panel comprised of 98 members, representing 24 countries, and the last six decades of Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships. We are also pleased to announce 21 members of the 2019-2021 panel are continuing in their role. You can now view the list of panel members.
On the 28 and 30 September, new members were invited to attend two induction webinars to learn more about the panel and its membership, the role of members and CSC expectations, as well as upcoming activities.
Panel members are appointed for a two-year term and represent the multitude of knowledge and expertise within the CSC alumni community, with members selected from across the Commonwealth and CSC Scholarship and Fellowship schemes.
The first panel of 101 members was appointed in 2019 and completed their two-year term in August 2021.