The three Professional Fellows with Alan Hopkinson of Middlesex University (right)

The three Professional Fellows with Alan Hopkinson of Middlesex University (right)

Three Commonwealth Professional Fellows gave an enlightening talk to ILIG – the International Library and Information Group of CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) – on 10 March 2010, about the challenges they face in their home institutions and what they have gained from their three-month Professional Fellowships hosted by Middlesex University.

The Fellows – Abdul Garuba from the University of Benin in Nigeria, Hagar Atta-Obeng from Kwame-Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana, and Olanrewaju Osaniyi from Redeemer’s University in Nigeria – have undertaken an intensive programme of professional development organised by Alan Hopkinson of Middlesex University. This has included visits to other institutions, including the universities of Oxford, Manchester and Cambridge, as well as to the British Library and to INASP (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications).

While the Fellows all feel that they have gained greatly from their professional programme, possibly the most impressive experience they have had whilst in the UK was to see snow for the first time!