The CSC’s Alumni Community Engagement Fund (ACEF) is an annual fund which seeks to support Commonwealth Alumni in raising awareness of key development issues at the community level through the organisation of an engagement activity.
This year, the CSC will be offering two ACEF opportunities which will address two different themes: climate action and girls’ education. Applications for the girls’ education theme are now open and you can find out more about this below.
Applications for the climate theme are now closed.
Girls’ education
The theme for this ACEF is girls’ education. Running as part of the UK government’s ambitious initiatives to get 40 million more girls in primary and secondary school in developing countries by 2025, the fund is open to any topic exploring how access to schools and learning levels can be improved for girls, so they can achieve their full potential.
Why take part?
This is an exciting opportunity for you to develop and deliver a community-focused activity designed to raise awareness and promote the importance of girls’ education through the CSC’s Alumni Community Engagement Fund. Activities may include skills development opportunities; lectures, seminars, workshops; public service projects; and events which invite discussion and problem-solving.
How to apply
Alumni may apply as individuals, as a CSC Alumni Association, or as a group of Commonwealth Alumni (not part of an existing association).
To apply, you must read the Alumni Community Engagement Fund 2021-2022 Girls’ Education- terms and conditions and complete the online application form. You can view a PDF copy of the application questions before completing the online form.
The deadline for applications is 23:59 (BST) on Friday 22 October 2021.
Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. Please note that the CSC is not able to provide feedback on unsuccessful applications.
If you have any questions about this opportunity, please email the CSC Alumni Team at