To mark the 65th anniversary of the CSC, and last year’s Commonwealth Year of Youth, the CSC’s London and South East Regional Network hosted an event exploring youth development and the Youth Development Index (YDI).

Professor Terri-Ann Gilbert-Roberts, a double Commonwealth Alumnus (2007 and 2016) and Research Manager for the Commonwealth Secretariat, began the session, highlighting the critical role of the YDI in evidence-based decision-making, and in advocating for youth inclusion across 180 countries, including Commonwealth member states.

Three key ideas were highlighted at the event, including:

  • Using the YDI as a spotlight to identify areas for increased inclusion and participation of young people.
  • Understanding that progress is gradual in building long-term change
  • Seeing inequalities as opportunities for learning, adaptation and growth

Scholars were challenged to participate in shaping the future of youth development. This included reviewing and suggesting improvements to the YDI, proposing relevant data sets, and most importantly, sharing knowledge with youth and decision-makers.

The event wasn’t all theory. Youth Ambassadors from The ONE Campaign UK shared inspiring stories and led interactive activities. One activity asked scholars to draft letters to potential Members of Parliament, advocating for action on pressing global issues like climate change, poverty, and disease.

Annabel Boud, Head of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK, added her closing remarks to the event, thanking scholars for their dedication and enthusiasm.

Excel Amaefule, the event organiser and London Regional Network Coordinator, said:

Commonwealth youth and scholars residing in the UK have a powerful voice. By using their votes and advocating for change, they can make a significant impact on the world.