Since 2012, the CSC has been conducting a cycle of evaluation surveys designed to generate insight into the experiences, achievements, and difficulties of our alumni. By mid-2015, we had sent a survey to 100% of the members of our alumni network for whom we had current contact details.
Almost 2,100 Scholars and Fellows responded to the survey, including participants from each scholarship programme operated by the CSC, residing in 84 countries, having studied over 100 academic disciplines, and having been hosted at over 300 UK institutions. The survey gathered responses from Scholars and Fellows who had held scholarships as far back as 1960 and in every subsequent year until 2012.
In this report, we present a detailed analysis of both the trajectories of individual Scholars through the labour market, and the catalytic impacts that have been generated by their activities.
Two versions of the report are available:
- Executive summary (4 pages) – highlights from the report
- Abridged report (30 pages) – only the key conclusions
- Full report (76 pages) – all of the details of our analysis
An annex for readers interested in further methodological details is also available.
This report updates and extends our paper: Trajectories and impact of UK Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Programme alumni: Interim quantitative analysis. For additional, detailed stories from some of our alumni, see our Evaluation profiles.