
Academic Fellow wins travel award

Dr Neena Malhotra was a Commonwealth Academic Fellow in 2003, working in Reproductive Medicine at the Assisted Reproductive Unit (ARU) at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital. She was awarded the 2009-2010 Overseas Travel Fund by the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology...

Academic Fellow wins UKIERI research award

Dr Shashikala Inamdar was awarded a Commonwealth Academic Fellowship at the School of Clinical Sciences at the University of Liverpool and she was later selected to present the results of her work at the 23rd Annual Lectin Meeting hosted by the Universities of ...

Career updates and recent publications

Professor Kawuma Medi (Commonwealth Academic Fellow, Bristol Eye Hospital) has taken up the post of Assistant Deputy Vice- Chancellor (in charge of Hospital Based Academics and Services) at Ishaka Teaching Hospital, Kampala International University, Uganda. Dr Doris N...