On Wednesday 14 June, the CSC Alumni Team were joined by Commonwealth Alumnus Dr Mansee Bal Bhargava for the Development in Action webinar series. Dr Bhargava shared a presentation on ‘The pedagogy of water: designing education to support a better understanding of...
Alumni Team
Promoting Clean Energy, Air and Oceans – applications for the Alumni Community Engagement Fund are now open!
ACEF is an annual fund which seeks to support Commonwealth Alumni in raising awareness of key development issues at the community level through the organisation of an engagement activity.
Using indigenous-based practices to improve girls’ access to STEM education in Ghana
In Ghana, there are several factors at play when it comes to young women’s participation in STEM professions, including gendered family norms, classroom dynamics, and the influence of policymaking which can simultaneously support and hinder access to STEM education.
Development in Action webinar series: High-risk feminism in Colombia: women’s mobilisation in violent contexts and lessons learnt
On Wednesday 24 May, the CSC Alumni Team hosted the Development in Action webinar on ‘High-risk feminism in Colombia: women’s mobilisation in violent contexts and lessons learnt’. The webinar was delivered by Commonwealth Alumnus, Dr Julia Zulver. This webinar...
Closing the gender gap in STEM through digital literacy
Globally, women are significantly underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. In Nigeria, the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) estimates that only 22% of graduates in STEM subjects are women.
Empowering teachers to support girls to stay in school
Uganda has made significant progress in promoting girls’ education, most notably through the Universal Primary Education (UPE) policy. Despite these efforts, female literacy and school attendance remain low. According to the World Bank, in 2017 only 54% of primary school-aged girls in Uganda completed primary education.
Development in Action webinar series: Democratising healthcare in Pakistan through telemedicine
On Wednesday 11 April, the CSC Alumni Team were joined by Commonwealth Alumnus Dr Iffat Zafar Aga for the Development in Action webinar series. Dr Aga shared a presentation on ‘Democratising healthcare in Pakistan through telemedicine’ about the role of technology in...
Imagined possibilities: Disability sports and inclusive higher education
On 3 December 2022, Commonwealth Alumnus Abass Isiaka marked International Day for People with Disabilities (PWDs) by delivering an awareness event on the topic, ‘Imagined possibilities: Disability sports and inclusive higher education’, at the University of Ilorin (UoI), Nigeria. The activity promoted the 2021/2022 ACEF theme, Sports for Development.
Go blue: engaging Kenya’s youth in marine conservation
Marine litter is a major challenge across Kenya’s vast and varied coastlines, with plastics the largest and most harmful element, accounting for at least 85% of total marine waste. This and other waste is choking the oceans, inflicting permanent harm on marine ecosystems and wildlife, and threatening biodiversity and marine-based economies.
Empowering midwives to health educate pregnant women during routine antenatal care of the effects of household air pollution from cooking fuels in pregnancy
In November and December 2022, Commonwealth Alumnus Joshua Epuitai delivered two online awareness webinars on, ‘Empowering midwives to health educate women during routine antenatal care on the effects of household air pollution (HAP) from cooking fuels’, in Uganda. The activity promotes the 2022/23 ACEF theme, Clean energy, Air and Oceans.