Time Limited Programme 2023: LGBT+ Rights

Mar 7, 2023 | TLP

Human rights in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity are a pressing issue across the Commonwealth. Due to the colonial legacy of homophobia, anti-LGBT legislation and discrimination of the LGBT+ community is significantly over-represented in this group of nations; 63% of Commonwealth countries criminalise homosexual activity compared to 35% globally.

One of the CSC’s objectives is to ensure that our programmes promote equity and inclusion, reward merit, and deliver widespread access, especially to those from disadvantaged backgrounds. As part of the commitment to widening access to the scheme, and in line with the UN universal value principle two; leave no one behind, the CSC’s Time Limited Programme for 2023/24 is focussed on a programme of activities around LGBT+ Rights.

These are to include;

  • Gender and Sexuality Professional Fellowship programme
    • 20 Fellows will spend a period of time at up to 5 host organisations working in their sector for a programme of professional development. For more information click the link at the bottom of this page
  • Appoint an LGBT+ specific NGO nominator
    • Due to the criminalisation of homosexual activity described above, many LGBT+ people or those whose research pertains to LGBT+ issues may not feel safe to apply for CSC Scholarships through existing national nominators. It is expected that a new nominator would be in place to nominate for the 2023 nomination round
  • Cumberland Lodge residential retreat
    • The CSC will work with Cumberland Lodge and other relevant organisations to hold a residential retreat for Scholars and Fellows to encourage dialogue, engagement and promote conversation on the topic of Gender and Sexuality across the Commonwealth
  • CSC staff and Commissioner training and development
    • Staff and Commissioners will attend professional development sessions to gain better understanding of the experiences of LGBT+ students at higher education, what resources exists and what support could be offered.
  • Webinar session on allyship for alumni
    • Sharing knowledge and advice on keeping the community safe, advocating on other’s behalf and challenging views. Educating alumni in this area would be an important part of achieving the leave no one behind agenda.
  • LGBT+ History in the making
    • Raise up the voices of Commonwealth Alumni making impact in this area.