Events Pages

Programme Officer information session

Date: Get answers to your scholarship questions at our Programme Officer information session! Join our virtual Programme Officer information session to get help and advice on a range of queries to do with your...

Programme Officer information session

Date: Get answers to your scholarship questions at our Programme Officer information session! Join our virtual Programme Officer information session to get help and advice on a range of queries to do with your...

Programme Officer information session

Date: Get answers to your scholarship questions at our Programme Officer information session! Join our virtual Programme Officer information session to get help and advice on a range of queries to do with your...

Scholar drop-in session 25th November

Date: Get to know fellow Scholars at our weekly drop-in session!  Join our virtual weekly drop-in session to connect with other Scholars and talk about what you've been up to recently. Hosted by CSC staff, the...

Scholar drop-in session 19th November

Date: Get to know fellow Scholars at our weekly drop-in session!  Join our virtual weekly drop-in session to connect with other Scholars and talk about what you've been up to recently. Hosted by CSC staff, the...

Scholar drop-in session 11th November

Date: Get to know fellow Scholars at our weekly drop-in session!  Join our virtual weekly drop-in session to connect with other Scholars and talk about what you've been up to recently. Hosted by CSC staff, the...

CSC Alumni Nigeria

Welcome Home event

Date: 20/11/2021 Duration: 11:00-14:00 Location: Lagos Welcome home recently returned Commonwealth Scholars from Nigeria! This event will provide an opportunity to welcome home recently returned Commonwealth Scholars from Nigeria following their studies in the UK and...

CSC Alumni Nigeria- Welcome Home event

Date: 17/11/2021Duration: 11:00-14:00Location: AbujaWelcome home recently returned Commonwealth Scholars from Nigeria! This event will provide an opportunity to welcome home recently returned Commonwealth Scholars from Nigeria following their studies in the UK and...