For Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows
in the United Kingdom
Code of conduct
As a Commonwealth Scholar or Fellow, you are an ambassador for both the CSC and your home country, and as such your actions and communication will have an impact on the reputation of both. You are therefore expected to adhere to high standards of conduct and behaviour and to show respect to others and your surroundings at all times.
All Scholars and Fellows must familiarise themselves with the CSC Disciplinary Policy which applies once a Scholar or Fellow has accepted their scholarship.
The CSC aims to enable a free exchange of ideas during all its activities in order to achieve the maximum potential impact for all participants. Recognising the diversity of backgrounds among our award holders – including in terms of race, religion, gender, sexuality, cultural values and disability status – you are reminded to always be respectful to others and to behave professionally. All communication should be appropriate for an audience including people of many different backgrounds; harassment and sexist, racist, or exclusionary comments or jokes are not appropriate nor is discrimination, either direct or indirect.
The same considerations apply to social media, electronic communications, and virtual events, and the provisions of this Code of Conduct and the CSC Disciplinary Policy apply as they would to speaking in public or writing something for publication, either officially or in a personal capacity. When engaging with social media you should always respect confidentiality, financial, legal and personal information. Social media and electronic communications, whether public or private, addressed to a group or an individual, should never be used for harassment, bullying, defamation, or any behaviour that makes another individual feel threatened or uncomfortable.
The CSC is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows and to protecting all those with whom scholarship recipients come into contact. This includes contact unrelated to the CSC and applies to electronic contact as well as all activities conducted overseas, including fieldwork. The CSC requires Commissioners, Secretariat staff, and Scholars and Fellows to fulfil their role and responsibilities and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with requirements for safeguarding. Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows should make sure that they are familiar with their UK host institution’s own safeguarding policy and procedures including reporting mechanisms in case they should need to use them.
Please refer to the CSC Safeguarding Policy for further guidance. Any safeguarding concerns should be reported to the CSC at csc.safeguarding@cscuk.org.uk
Any complaints received or issues related to the behaviour of Commonwealth Scholars or Fellows brought to the CSC’s attention will be taken very seriously and any behaviour that does not adhere to the above values and expectations will be addressed by the CSC. Your scholarship may be terminated at any time for reasons of unsatisfactory conduct, progress, or attendance, or if your registration is suspended or terminated by your university for any reason.
The CSC operates a zero-tolerance attitude to fraud and will investigate all instances of actual, attempted, and suspected fraud, bribery, or corruption committed by Scholars and Fellows related to their scholarship. Any such instances will be considered under the CSC Anti-fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy.
Scholars and Fellows are expected to fulfil all requirements put on them as Commonwealth Scholarship recipients and return all documentation in a timely and complete manner.
Scholars and Fellows are expected to treat any staff engaged within the CSC Secretariat, or within any other organisation contracted to provide services to the CSC, with courtesy and respect. It is expected that such staff will show you the same consideration in return.