For Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows
in the United Kingdom
End of your scholarship
Completion of tenure
Your Commonwealth Scholarship aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills to contribute to the development of your home country. Commonwealth Scholarships are awarded for the completion of one course of study only. When you accept your scholarship, you commit to return to your home country after the end of your scholarship.
You must leave the UK within one month of the end of your scholarship tenure or one month after the completion of your programme, whichever is earlier. If you fail to do so, your airfare and excess baggage entitlements may be withdrawn. You cannot remain in the UK to attend graduation ceremonies that take place after this point and the CSC does not support Scholars remaining in the UK under the Graduate Immigration Route.
You must inform your Programme Officer of your proposed departure date at least eight weeks in advance or when the CSC request for this information, so that a suitable flight can be arranged, and your allowances continue to be paid correctly. Your stipend and any allowances will stop on the last day of your scholarship, or on the day that you leave the UK, whichever is earlier.
Your final quarter’s stipend will be held and will not be released until you confirm your homeward flight booking.
PhD Scholars: If you are a PhD Scholar and you need to remain in the UK longer than the end of your Scholarship tenure, then you can request a deferment of your homeward airfare.
Master’s Scholars: If you are a Master’s Scholar and have received an offer to undertake a PhD at a UK institution with full funding to cover tuition fees and maintenance, please see the CSC Policy on Requests to Enter or Remain in the UK for Further Study
Travel from the UK
Travel arrangements
Please refer to the Travel section for further details on travel arrangements from the UK at the end of your scholarship.