Hannah Openshaw

British General Election 2010 event

The Magna Carta Institute at Brunel University held an event on 6 March 2010 looking at the British General Election to be held in May 2010. The event featured a number of eminent speakers, including: Sir Robert Worcester – founder of MORI, a survey research...

Alumnus shortlisted for health award

Professor Rifat Atun (Commonwealth Scholar, Guy's, King's and St Thomas' Colleges of Medicine, 1982) has been shortlisted for the Ibn Sina Award for Health by The Muslim News Awards for Excellence. Professor Atun is a Professor of International Health Management at...

New Distance Learning Scholarships

A partnership between the University of the Gambia and Leeds Metropolitan University has resulted in a new MSc in Responsible Tourism being made available via Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships. The Vice Chancellor of the University of the Gambia, Professor...

New professorship for alumnus

Professor Jones Olanrewaju Moody (Commonwealth Scholar, PhD, King’s College London, 1986-1989) has recently been promoted to be the first Professor of Pharmacognosy in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and also elected Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Former Scholar awarded two fellowships

Dr Amam Zonaed Siddiki (Commonwealth Scholar, PhD in Molecular Parasitology, University of Liverpool, 2002-2006) was recently awarded a Fellowship by the British Council, Bangladesh to attend a training workshop on 'Building a successful international research...