
Knowledge Hub webinar series

The CSC’s Knowledge Hub webinar series was launched in July 2020 and provides a platform for members of the CSC’s Knowledge Hubs to interact and discuss key topics related to the six CSC development themes. The overall aim of the CSC webinar series is to support and...

Virtual Development Training Workshops

Virtual Development Training Workshops

As the CSC’s Virtual Engagement Programme has taken off over the past few months, Scholars, Fellows and alumni have come together and collaborated in different ways through online events, activities and networks. Scholars have been enthusiastic about engaging in...

Dr Christine Humfrey MBE, 1947-2020

The Commission is saddened to hear of the recent death of Dr Christine Humfrey MBE, who served as a Commissioner between 2008 and 2014 and continued to offer support to the Commission even after her tenure had ended, undertaking the review of stipend levels in 2015 on...