Dr Timothy Sizwe Phakathi is the Deputy Head of Safety and Sustainable Development at the Chamber of Mines and Employer Convenor of the Culture Transformation Advisory Committee (CTAC), at the Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC) of South Africa. Through his...
Evaluation profile: Rizwanul Islam
Before his retirement in 2009, Dr Rizwanul Islam was Special Advisor for the International Labour Organisation (ILO), based in Geneva, Switzerland. He completed a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in 1976. Throughout his...
Professional Fellow pioneers new mental health support services
Joseph Atukunda is a 2012 Commonwealth Professional Fellow from Uganda who undertook his fellowship in Public Health, Economic Growth, and Education at the East London NHS Foundation Trust. His fellowship specifically allowed him to observe practices, peer support,...
Commonwealth Fellow’s career advances dental surgery and research techniques
Dr Hari Parkash is a 1974 Commonwealth Fellow from India who has built a career in dentistry that has spanned four decades based on the many innovative techniques he learnt during his Commonwealth Fellowship. His time in the UK increased Hari’s knowledge of...
Commonwealth Scholar draws attention to global health issues
Nicholas Neufeld is a 2007 Commonwealth Scholar who studied for his MSc in Clinical Neuroscience at University College London. He has written a research letter, ‘Debates in Medicine: Global Representation in Medical Discourse’, that was recently published in The...
Commonwealth Scholar recognised for his contribution to stroke prevention
 Dr Dinesh Khandelwal (2006 Commonwealth Scholar, Stroke Medicine and Cultural Care, Southern General Hospital NHS Trust in Glasgow and Edinburgh Western General Hospital) was recognised by the World Stroke Organization (WSO) with the World Stroke Day 2013 prize. This...
Protecting the dugong and Malaysia’s marine habitats
Dr Louisa Ponnampalam is a2004 Commonwealth Scholar from Malaysia, who studied for a PhD in Habitat Use and Conservation of Small Dolphins, at the University Marine Biological Station Millport. She has been awarded a 2014 Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation to...
Using science to combat gender and development challenges
Oiza Olowojoba (2011 Commonwealth Scholar from Nigeria, MSc Geographical Information Systems, University of Leeds) is the only female staff member of the University of Benin’s Department of Geography and Regional Planning teaching Geographic Informational Systems...
Scholar’s research improves air passenger safety
Sameera Arshad is a 2009 Commonwealth Split-site Scholar from Pakistan, completing her PhD on Birds and Aircraft Strike Hazards (University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi, and the Food and Environment Research Agency, UK). Bird and aircraft collisions are extremely...
Safeguarding coastal areas and communities
Dr Roshan Ramessur (1985 Commonwealth Scholar from Mauritius, BSc Marine Chemistry, Bangor University) has been invited to present an abstract at the International Conference and Workshop on Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainability at Universite des Mascareignes....