Publication and Resources

Raising awareness around climate change adaptation and mitigation in Papua New Guinea

Raising awareness around climate change adaptation and mitigation in Papua New Guinea

Between 24-25 February, Commonwealth Alumnus Bensolo Ken delivered awareness sessions on climate change to two communities in the Fayantina Local Level Government (LLG) of Henganofi District, Eastern Highlands Province in Papua New Guinea. Being from the area, Bensolo’s activity shared information on locally experienced climate change effects and practical adaptation and mitigation measures. Bensolo is currently working with the United Nations Development Programme as Deputy Team Leader on the project Building Resilience to Climate Change.

Development in Action webinar: Experiences of a social entrepreneur within the gender equality and peace education space

Development in Action webinar: Experiences of a social entrepreneur within the gender equality and peace education space

On Wednesday 27 April, the CSC Alumni Team unveiled the refreshed Development in Action webinar series, which will replace the Knowledge Hub webinar series going forward. The first webinar of the new series was ‘From Chennai to Coventry: A peace educator’s journey into policy’ delivered by Commonwealth Alumnus Kirthi Jayakumar. The webinar addressed the the CSC development theme, Strengthening global peace, security and governance.

Introducing girls with disabilities to career opportunities in wildlife conservation in Zambia

Introducing girls with disabilities to career opportunities in wildlife conservation in Zambia

Commonwealth Alumnus Ricky Kalaluka is a trained teacher, forester, and agroforester. He is currently the Head of Programmes at the Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) in Zambia. As part of his responsibilities, he is a Project Lead on the five-year project, Disability Inclusion Climate Action (DiCA), financed by the Dutch Government under the Power of Voices (PoV) framework. The project seeks to enhance the inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in policies and actions to tackle climate change.