Events Pages

Writing and Communicating in Diverse Teams

Date: Learn how to excel at communicating in non-academic settings in this online workshop. In this workshop Scholars will learn how to develop their own professional communication and writing skills in a...

Developing Great Professional Skills

Date: Boost your professional skills for career success in this online workshop. This workshop is aimed at those who want to develop their own personal ways of working beyond academia. The workshop will give...

Staying Positive and Beating Burnout

Date: Discover ways to stay positive and sustain your motivation in this new online workshop. Explore the science behind burnout and how our brain processes negative and positive thought patterns. Find out about...

CSC Alumni South Africa- Alumni Advocacy Workshop

Date: 27/02/2021Duration: 10:00-13:00Location: OnlineAccess to international scholarship opportunities in South Africa. In March 2019, on behalf of the CSC, the British Council hosted a round-table discussion on access to international scholarship opportunities for...

CSC Alumni South Africa- Reintegration Workshop

Date: 23/02/2021Duration: 10:00-13:00Location: OnlineWelcome home to all recently returned Commonwealth Scholars. On 23 February, the British Council, South Africa, will host a 'Reintegration Workshop' on behalf of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK...

CSC Alumni Ghana- Reintegration Workshop

Date: 19-20/02/2021Duration: 10:00-11:30Location: OnlineWelcome home to recently returned Commonwealth Scholars. The event will provide an opportunity for recently returned Scholars to connect with each other and Commonwealth Alumni. Guest speakers include the Country...